English Coaching
Legal English Skills For lawyers who speak English as a second language
Are you questioning your ability to speak English, but unsure if you need or want to start learning English again?
Ask yourself this question.
Would your life be better if you improved your English language skills?
Most people think that to speak fluently without hesitation or anxiety they just need to learn more grammar rules and increase their vocabulary. However, learning English and becoming a professional speaker involves more than knowing more grammar and writing down new words in your notebook. This can be boring and unproductive so it’s not the best strategy to adopt if you want to feel confident and speak without anxiety.
Many of the clients I worked with all had notebooks full of new vocabulary. Every time they heard a new word they wrote it in their book and added the definition. Then they closed their book and never looked at the word again. Does this sound familiar to you?
Adding new words to your notebook gives you a sense of achievement and provides a quick win. You can tell yourself that you are trying to improve your English but as Yoda from Starwars said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
If you start thinking about improving your English skills try changing your perspective. If you think of learning English as boring, but something you have to do chances are you won’t have enough motivation to make any progress. If you approach learning with a sense of curiosity and discovery your chances of success increase. Keep an open mind about how you could improve and this will make learning English a more enjoyable and interesting experience.
I’ve spent years teaching English to students labelled as under achievers and to the best and most successful, I’m going to share what I have learned with you. Speaking fluently without hesitation does not depend on the number of words you know.
If you want to test this assertion check out this resource of the 1000 most frequently used words.
Here’s what does work:
Instead of thinking how hard learning English skills is or how bad your professional career will be if you don’t improve your speaking skills. Think about everything you will gain and how good your life would be without feeling fear and anxiety when using English.
Write down how your life could be better if you improved your English. Imagine how good it would feel to go into a meeting without the sick feeling in your stomach. Imagine getting a good nights rest before an important meeting and getting praise for your valuable contribution to the conversation.
This is a great exercise that will help to motivate you to improve your spoken English and visualise your success as a confident fluent English speaker.
It’s a NO BRAINER! This is a great idiom meaning you really don’t have to think about something to know it’s good. Learning a few good idioms and using them regularly will also help you talk more like a native. To help you get started check out my book on Idioms For Business
In it you will find relevant idioms with examples of how to use them.
For online lessons check out my exclusive English programmes.
Congratulations on reading this far. You have made a great start to improving your English. Why not check out these useful articles
Unleash Your Power: 5 Steps To Confidence In English
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English Coaching is the fastest and easiest way to improve your English Skills. Individual programmes specific to your needs. Get results. Work with Caryn
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