Legal Idioms for lawyers


  • Essential English Expressions for lawyers.
  • Feel More Confident and Speak with Fluency.
  • Build Your Career & Your Reputation with Better English.
  • Understand & Be Understood In English.
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Adjectives for better English

How To Speak English Confidently in 10 Weeks Or Less

I help lawyers and business professionals improve their English communication skills so they can speak confidently in social and professional situations.


For over a decade I’ve been helping people shift their mindset, overcome their fears of speaking in English and learn better communication techniques.


The Problem With Schools

Teaching English in schools I learned two important things: 

  • Language schools are a business first. They are in it for the money and not to help you succeed. The system is designed to keep you learning not because you want to but because you need to in order to progress a level. In reality you need communication skills because thats how you connect in the real world.
  • The school system is designed to create functional people. People who will follow instructions and fit into a specific role but what the business world needs are people who will bring a vital energy and life force to their role. AI will take over the basic functional role.


I didn’t like working in this type of environment. I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and this cannot happen if you just follow traditional methods.

Failure to Achieve

The problem is many professionals have a great job title, they are high achievers and they are used to winning. But when they have to speak in English they fail. 


  • They get anxious and worry about what their colleagues or clients will think about them. 
  • In meetings they say little or nothing so no one hears their great ideas or opinions. 
  • They avoid taking the lead so they don’t get the best work.
  • When they speak there are long pauses as they try to find the perfect word. It’s embarrassing. 
  • After a meeting they often talk negatively to themselves because they feel they should have done better.
  • Many have tried to self-study but used the wrong study techniques. There’s no point writing new words in a book that you never look at!


The Real Solution

Using insights gained from my time as a lawyer plus lessons learned from completing over 10,000 online sessions, I discovered that in order for professionals to succeed and speak English confidently in any situation they needed three important things.


  • The right mindset
  • The right communication techniques 
  • The right way to build study habits

English coach for lawyers

Why Work With Caryn

I want you to succeed.


I want you to become the best possible version of you and that means a person who can confidently speak English. 

When you work with me I’ll teach you the rules of communication so you can speak fluently and confidently.


When you succeed, I succeed and this makes me happy because every one likes success.



When your confidence improves in one area of your life it affects your confidence in other areas of your life. You start to get noticed for the right reasons. Suddenly, new opportunities come your way. Because you can:

  • Speak up in meetings
  • Express your opinions professionally and clearly
  • Leave conversations feeling like a hero not a zero


Your energy shifts and you become a vital person, a valuable asset to the company. 


Make Your Move

If you want to upgrade your English skills book a discovery call with Caryn and learn how English coaching can quickly improve your English skills. 


Change Your Destiny

There’s nothing better than feeling like a success. 

Knowing that you’ve done a good job and expressed your opinions clearly and confidently makes you feel like a winner. 


When you feel like a winner life is good.



Real People, Real Results with English coaching. Verified on Linkedin

Interview techniques for lawyers
Accelerator English Coaching Programme
VIP Intensive English Coaching
English for lawyers
English coaching for special projects
English coaching for lawyers

English Coaching For Smart Intelligent Lawyers Whose Second Language Is English

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