Don't Quit On Your English Language Learning Goals in 2023

English Language Goals for 2023

Time is running out. The year is coming to an end.

The fact is that at this time of year, many lawyers give up on their personal development goals. They think it’s too late to speak English confidently without hesitation. They promise themselves they will practise English next year. They start dreaming about how they will speak English confidently next year.

Don’t quit on your goals!

Every time you give up it becomes that much easier to give up the next time. Quitting is a habit. Make the hard choice and be proactive about your personal development. Your English will never improve if you don’t take action.

On this site, you will find articles to help you including:

How to Improve Your English

Unlocking the Secrets of Active Listening

There is still time for you to Succeed in 2023 by starting one of my 10 week programmes. If you act now you will start 2024 ahead of everyone else!

When you are ready to speak English confidently without hesitation I am here to help.

English coaching is the fastest and most efficient way for lawyers to develop their English communication skills.


Book a chat with Caryn and get ready to speak English fluently without hesitation.

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75 Phrases For Meetings

Never be stuck for words

  • Build a system
  • Speak confidently
  • use the right words
Why English Coaching?

English Coaching is the fastest and easiest way to improve your English Skills. Individual programmes specific to your needs. Get results. Work with Caryn

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